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Exclusive Services

In addition to the group classes, I also offer 1:1 sessions, corporate events including my Yoga, Pilates or Massage therapy offerings, and Nutritional support making use of a variety of approaches including Nutritional therapy and Ayurvedic nutrition theory.

Please get in touch to see if we can work together

three ladies of varying age and ethnicity standing in an outdoor setting, with their hands in prayer
an office building with pink brick and lots of glass window panels
a hand above a tower of fruit
a collection of hex dumb-bells, of varying weights
a woman knelt down on her right knee, tying up her left shoelace
a shirtless man wearing black shorts and white trainers lifting his left knee towards his upper body, twisting towards the left

Small group/ private Yoga and Pilates sessions

small group/ private lessons are perfect for those who want or need a little more time and focus on their practice. This could be to help you reach a specific goal and approached like a personal training plan. The sessions are tailored to your exact requirements and around your abilities to ensure they are enjoyable and achievable for you.


Corporate events

Planning a wellness day or charity event in your company? I can provide your company with office based Yoga or Pilates sessions, as well as head,neck and shoulder massages for your hardworking employees. I can provide these on a regular basis for your company if needed.



Nutrition support from me will utilise a variety of approaches to help you to feel your very best! I am trained in Sports and exercise nutrition, Nutritional therapy and also Ayurvedic Nutrition which I can use to help you with your nutrition based goals. I will NOT write you a diet plan though for a couple of reasons. 1- my qualifications don't allow it, 2- they're unsustainable and often restrictive so there's no point. You'd end up hating it, me and maybe yourself. Nobody wants that.


Other classes and courses

In addition to more traditional Yoga and Pilates classes, I also offer other classes that might be a little more unusual than you'd normally see on a gym timetable. These include Yoga shred (high intensity yoga) Barre (ballet style movements), WALKFIT which is great for beginners and returners to exercise, as is FLEX to help become more flexible and improve your functional fitness. Lift lean- a course covering nutrition, lifestyle and a variety of movement styles including resistance/weight training, and health coaching- incorporating all my knowledge and movement styles to help you optimise your health and overall wellness

Get in Touch

a picture of me

Please do contact me to discuss your requirements



Christine Carvill Fitness Services

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